Our cloud infrastructure services portfolio is ready for your enterprise IT demands. From cloud computing solutions for servers, networks, storage and applications to strategic cloud deployments for your disaster recovery, our cloud platform is built on enterprise grade technology that is affordable and easy to deploy within your enterprise.
Purple Search Inc provide services to guide you in identifying business and IT drivers for cloud strategies, defining a cloud roadmap, and selecting the right cloud platform.
We help you transform your applications by hosting, extending or building them on IaaS or PaaS cloud platforms. Discover the most efficient ways to provision and manage cloud resources. We can help you plan,
build and manage a cloud infrastructure using your choice of innovative cloud services.
An ongoing trend in the reduction of IT support costs is the outsourcing of hardware and software maintenance & support in one of 3 cloud computing models, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as- a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), of which SaaS holds the most promise for efficiency gains. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as s, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility.
AnUsing SaaS and Cloud-based solutions, clients can improve the productivity and reduce the cycle times in building infrastructure and applications. These models reduces IT support costs, are easily scalable, and require less maintenance.Leveraging Cloud technologies not only improves operational efficiencies but can potentially transform entire business models.